The New EU PPE Regulation: Are You Ready?


January 2018

It is crucial your PPE remains compliant under new rules introduced by the EU PPE Regulation coming into force on 21 April, to ensure your workforce is protected.


The new Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425 replaces the 1992 PPE Directive and will change the way PPE is assessed and certified. Products certified to the old Directive can be sold up until 21 April 2019, but must be certified to the new Regulation after that date.

A key change is that hearing protection will move from PPE Category II to Category III, to become ‘Complex PPE’. Category III products must be manufactured under an assessed quality management system to ensure on-going production performance.

When buying PPE, check product certification and ask for details on manufacturing processes and quality assurance systems. We are happy to share this information with you and can also provide advice and support, including PPE audits, to reassure you that your equipment meets the latest legislation.

 All the PPE we supply, including hearing protection conforms to EN standards. We also test our products regularly to ensure they perform under the most inhospitable conditions the construction industry can throw at them.


For more advice and support on the new PPE Regulation, contact our team of experts on 01293 744 444
or email [email protected]